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My Awesome Birthday


For the last month I have been organising my birthday party on the gold coast.I have been buying party bags, presents and food. Also people. Well not buying them hahaha , but i have some awesome people coming… 8th best female surfer in the world; Laura Enever , the upcoming world titles Alyssa, Kobie, Lahni, Kiani, Cannon and Ebony ,Family; Inge ,Finn, Griffin, Neroli, Greg and Oma ,  Also some VERY good friends: Amanda,Hollie, Samara and Samantha . Yup, sounds like i had a good party, right? Wrong! I had a GREAT party!! 😀  But let me start from the first time i opened my eyes as a twelve year old , i woke up to a lovley greeting from my grandmother, then a wonderful family party from my cousins ( Thank-you for the cheesecake, Finn! ) and then a rushing drive to Rainbow bay for my party… It was pouring on the way down 😦   but that is not going to stop me!! As we were setting up, Mum found out that there was a undercover area on top of the hill… i would have to wait for my friends at the bottom and mum would set up at the top.. 🙂   one by one the upcoming world surfers came andonce they were all there , Alyssa said,’It’s a unicorn!!” and i turned around to see that it was Samantha in a unicorn suit!!! ahahah and Amanda, Samara, Hollie and Samantha screamed out PACHA!!! as they drove past… it was so amazing that my good friends came up all the way from Evans head!! it was just soo awesome!!! 😀

In the distance i saw a lady with balloons, IT WAS LAURA!! 😀  i was soo amazed that she would even get me balloons! and when she came i was just jumping up and down! and she had a filmer ( Stefan ) to film my party and i was just sooo HAPPY !! 🙂   😀   we had to run up the hill  for Stefan and when he said go! Laura fell and landed on a balloon so all i heard was a big ‘POP’ and she just got up and kept running 🙂    but it was just soo much fun!!!



We ate watermelon. 😉

We ate cake. 😀

We danced to Harlem Shake. 😛

We drew all over Laura’s Surfboard. 🙂

Yeah you can say it was pretty awesome day. 😀

Then we went for a surf with Laura… when we had to go in we caught a party wave and i almost got barreled 😀 it was awesome!!!

After Laura had to go some of my friends and i went to Keyhole at snapper, woah that was fun!! we also went to the washer… we got pushed off the rocks 🙂 hahaha

But i got some pretty epic presents 🙂 8)

BUT Laura got me a really cool bag…a top..some shorts…AND a pair of swimmers!!!!

Also the fact that she came for the whole day!! I mean who would give up their precious time for a little girl?

To sum it all up, I had THE BEST DAY EVER!!!! 😀


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